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Todd Hunter:

Mr. Hunter has helped me not only with this project, but every STEAM assignment the past four years. The amount of questions I have asked him is innumerable and I cannot even begin to list everything he did to help me with this project. A brief overview of his contributions is finding and ordering materials, providing feedback, illustrating how to design various parts, and setting up the electrical box. 

Jill Luoma-Overstreet:

Jill has also helped me a lot and taught me about how to market products effectively. She helped produce posters and set up the professional review and expo. Her feedback and advice  has been a critical part of my project and I greatly appreciate everything that she has done for me and the STEAM program.


Shawnee was one of my professional reviewers and she came back to visit me at the expo. Her encouraging words meant a lot and she greatly influenced my design. She provided very valuable feedback and her excitement with my project was contagious. She helped me come up with the idea to have multiple drawers,  so that more than one glove could be cleaned at once. She also urged me to do an experiment to see how effective the UV-C light is, which actually ended up being one of the most fun parts of my project. 



Mr. Weber offered his time and resources to help me complete me experiment. He showed me how to properly prepare a petri dish and oversaw the experiment. He allowed me to use his equipment and shared a lot of knowledge with me on bacteria growth and how to properly run an experiment.

Sam Jenson

Sam works at Lifetime with me in the cafe and she is the one who actually pointed out how many gloves we waste. Lifetime has done a great job being environmentally friendly with biodegradable containers, discounting food that is going to expire, and encouraging people to use reusable cups. However after Sam pointed out the amount of gloves we go through and how big of a problem it is, I decided to choose this as the issue I would address for my capstone project. 


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